We hope you enjoyed the Bebington SC Season Starter. Meet Results below.
Category: Uncategorized
Summer Timetable
Please note – From 20th July 2024, we are moving into our summer timetable and as such, training times may be slightly different for some of you during this time. The compressed schedule is in recognition of the reduced numbers swimming whilst swimmers/families and coaches are taking a break & going on holiday.
Bronze/Silver families – you will have received an email with specific information regarding the training changes, including details of the first night of the Thursday swim – please refer to this. I have reattached the summary page for your reference.
For all other groups – the summer training schedule will operate from Saturday 20th July (inc) until Sunday 1st September (inc). During this summer timetable, the training times are as below. A known exception to this will be the cancellation of masters on August Bank Holiday Monday as the pool will be closed.
Please take particular care to ensure that this information is shared with swimmers and any possible carers during this time to avoid any confusion and potential safety / safeguarding issues.
If you have yet to sign up to Spond – please can you ensure you have completed this prior to the break. I have sent numerous communications regarding this but note that we have dozens of members to action the email. From September, anyone not signed up to Spond will miss some communications as we will not be routinely sending emails but rather will be doing some by Spond only. During the summer period, the admin team will be somewhat reduced – and spond messaging by the coaches may be the only way of getting urgent essential information to you.
If you have signed up to Spond – be sure to check the app, and accept my invite into the various colour groups. Notifications should be turned on. Any issues – I will be around for the next week or so to assist so please contact me by return to resolve.

Please note the below training cancellations & changes over the Easter holiday weekend:
Good Friday 29th March
Calday – Masters training as normal 7:30-8:30pm (due to Easter weekend this session is open to all Masters)
Easter Saturday 30th March
WKC – Golds / Yellows / Reds normal training
Calday – Bronze & Silver combined session 5:00-6:15pm only
Calday – Blues earlier time 6:15-7:45pm
Easter Sunday 31st March – ALL TRAINING CANCELLED
Normal training resumes from Tuesday 2nd April.
Many thanks,
The coaching team
Calday Sponsored Swim
Dear All,
We are aware that many of our Hoylake swimmers will not want to to or not be able to swim in the Swimathon this weekend, but may be able to support the cause by sponsoring some of those who are swimming…
Head coach Jon is looking to challenge himself with a goal to swim 100 x 100 IMs – I reckon half of that is more than plenty! Whilst some of the blues swimmers who you will know as poolside helpers and assistant coaches are looking to take part in the swimathon straight from their training on Friday night, swimming a further mile or two – so not quite as big a challenge but still a hard job straight from their training session! There are many other taking part.
You can get involved by sponsoring them direct if you know them or donate centrally via https://gofund.me/af777924 . Just mention their name and a message of support when donating.
many thanks,
Hoylake Team
Conwy Spring Meet, Llandudno, 16-17th March 2024
Please find below the meet pack for the Conwy Spring Meet, Llandudno, 16-17th March 2024.
Our internal closing date is 28th January.
Please return the HASC completed entry form, attached as a separate document on this email. Return to the HASC gala email inbox hoylakegalas@gmail.com.
Payment should be made to HASC (not Conwy directly) via BACS with reference ‘Conwy_swimmername’.
BACS info: Lloyds bank, 30-15-52, 02032239
Entry fee is £6.25 per event (this includes HASC admin fee).
Hoylake Swimming Club Champs 2022
The Hoylake 2022 Club Competition will be held this year over 2 days. All galas are being held at Europa Pools. The dates are Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July 2022. The club competition will again this year be a Licenced Level 4 meet (NW221329) to enable swimmers to obtain qualifying times to enter higher level meets. All Bronze and Silver swimmers are invited to compete in five events only (all the 50m events and 100m IM) for the cost of £7.50. This will provide an excellent opportunity to experience a competitive gala but in a friendly environment. We would expect all Bronze and Silver swimmers to enter at least three of the five events.
The cost for main club swimmers to enter the club competition is £20 regardless of the number of events entered. Entry forms will only be processed when payment has been received.
In addition to the BAGCAT awards, Shields and Cups presented at the AGM. Medals will be presented on the day for 1st, 2nd and 3rd swimmers in all events for the 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13/14, 15/16, 17+ Open /Masters age groups. The awarding of medals to individual ages 12 and under in all events will ensure many more people can win medals at the Club Championships.
The swimmers age for the club competition is determined by their age as at 31st December 2022.
Under 10 year old swimmers are not eligible for 100m events except 100m IM, under 11 year old swimmers are not eligible for 400/800/1500 free or 400 IM.
The programme of events has all the competitive distances and strokes and will again adopt the ASA competition rules for comparing relative performance of age group swimmers by using the BAGCAT FINA points. BAGCATs is a method of scoring points, similar to the Decathlon in Athletics, with swimmers awarded points based on their respective times. Using this system, it is possible to compare a breaststroke time against a backstroke time to find an overall winner of the category. The BAGCAT awards will be awarded to swimmers in each of 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 15/16 and 17+ Open/ Masters age groups and in each of the five BAGCAT categories of events, for example, if a swimmer is 11 on 31 December 2022 they would swim in the 11/12 age group.
These categories are:-
1. Sprints i.e. the highest points awarded for any 50m swim
2. 100’s i.e. the highest points awarded for any 100m swim
3. Form i.e. the highest points awarded for either a 200m Back, Breast or Fly swim
4. Distance i.e. the highest points awarded for a 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m Freestyle swim
5. I.M. i.e. the highest points awarded for a 100m, 200m or 400m Individual Medley
It is expected that all club swimmers will compete in at least two of the galas at the Club Championships this year. All Club swimmers can choose to swim in all eligible events in their relevant age group. The Club Competition provides an excellent opportunity to swim in a number of events for the first time.
There are prizes awarded at the AGM to the first five in each age group for the Overall BAGCAT Award. In addition to the overall BAGCAT award there will also be cups awarded in each of the five BAGCAT Categories for each age group. Swimmers should select their favourite two BAGCAT Categories as points scored in these categories will count towards winning in the respective individual categories.
In addition to the Club Championships there are two long standing competitions that we hold each year, The UDC and the Brian Parker Trophies. All Hoylake club swimmers who enter the relevant events will automatically be included, subject to the respective rules, for these trophies.
Attached with this letter is a Programme of Events, a summary of the rules and entry conditions for the Club Championships, and an individual Entry Form. Please take time to complete the forms carefully as a lot of information is required.
- • If you need to find out your ASA number please search http://www.swimming.org/asa/clubs-and-members/membership-check/
- • If you are not aware of a swimmer’s best times for a particular event, these can be found https://www.swimmingresults.org/individualbest/ . Otherwise, you may find these on the notice board at the Concourse, West Kirby, or the members area of the Hoylake Website but these can be out of date quickly whereas the swimming results website is as up to date as your swimmers most recent competition.
If a swimmer has not swum an event or a particular distance before enter NO TIME in that particular box. This will not prevent them from competing in that race. All club swimmers are reminded to ensure that two of the Sprint, 100’s, Form or Distance Categories are circled ‘yes’ to determine the BAGCAT Categories you will be competing for. In the event you do not select a BAGCAT Category a swimmer will be automatically entered in the Sprint and 100’s categories.
As a note to Parents, there is no obligation on any swimmer to enter all of the events but it is important in a child’s swimming development to swim a range of distances across a variety of strokes.
All completed Entry Forms must be submitted NO LATER THAN 30th June 2022
by email hasc@hoylakesc.co.uk (preferred option) or posted in the HASC postbox at West Kirby Concourse.
Pay by bank transfer to HASC (Lloyds bank, 30-15-52, 02032239) but please state in the description ‘ccomp_swimmer name’
If you have any questions or issues with completing the entry forms or deciding which events to enter in the Hoylake Club Championships please contact your club coach who can help with this matter.
We look forward to seeing all of our swimmers competing in this year’s Club Championships, hopefully setting new PB’s and possibly breaking some of the club records this year.
Yours Sincerely
Hoylake Team
Freya Anderson MBE will be at Hoylake Swimming Club

We are delighted to announce that Freya Anderson MBE will be at Hoylake Swimming Club on Saturday 29th January! Following on from all the press after her success at the Olympics earlier last year, Christine Fisher, one of our Gold coaches, who initially taught Freya at the beginning of her swimming journey, has been in touch with Freya and her mum and they have kindly agreed to spend 3 hours at Calday pool (5-8pm) to allow time to be spent with all of our swimmers.
To best suit everyone we have split the time into the following 3 sessions:
Session 1: 5:00-5:50pm Bronze & Silvers
Session 2: 6:00-6:50pm Golds & Yellows
Session 3: 7:00-7:50pm Reds & Blues
Swimmers are to attend as per their groups only. Please come pool ready and entry will be through the deep end as usual. At the end of each session swimmers will be asked to vacate the pool and make use of the changing rooms to allow for maximum time per session.
Each session will consist of 40 mins pool time and approx 10 mins to allow for time to chat with Freya and allow for a Question & Answer session. We would ask swimmers to submit any questions via the Hoylake email address by Sat 22nd January.
We have asked Freya if she can show our swimmers some of the drills that she’s found most helpful and emphasise the importance of practicing starts/turns/transitions and the difference that they can make to a race. Freya will also be in the pool demonstrating some of these as well as swimming herself. It would be good for all swimmers to view some footage of Freya swimming: European Championships YouTube Budapest 2021 Mixed Relay (anchor leg) is one of the best races!
In the last session (Reds & Blues) Freya has agreed to a 200m freestyle race with our own team of mixed relay swimmers (8x25m). Any swimmers from this group that would like to participate please email the Hoylake address. We will try and accommodate as many as we can but will max at 24 swimmers (3 teams of 8).
There will be press attending and photos being taken, therefore if any parent does not wish their child to have their photo taken then this must be made clear to the Club in advance.
There will be items signed by Freya and other items that will be raffled at our upcoming AGM on 13th February. Unfortunately we feel that these are enough items for Freya to sign and time may not allow us to sign additional personal items.
We are sure you will agree that this is an amazing opportunity and hope that all swimmers will enjoy the session.
Interested in Joining Hoylake Swimming Club – click Here for a trial!
Freya’s British Swimming profile: https://www.britishswimming.org/athlete-swimming-profiles/british-swimming-profiles/freya-anderson/
Winter 2021 Hoylake ASC Newsletter

Sunday 13th February 2022
2-00pm for 2.15pm start
Heswall Hall
All Swimmers and Parents are welcome to attend
Vacancies currently exist for Welfare Officers, Committee members, Poolside support, as well as tasks such as fundraising coordinator.
AGM Tickets via Eventbrite to manage numbers/restrictions
Hoylake ASC AGM and Awards Feb2022 Tickets, Sun 13 Feb 2022 at 14:00 | EventbriteEventbrite – Hoylake ASC presents Hoylake ASC AGM and Awards Feb2022 – Sunday, 13 February 2022 at Heswall Hall, Heswall, England. Find event and ticket information.www.eventbrite.co.uk |
Negative lateral flow required on the day
Perfect Day – Blues Group
Well Blues, this has taken a long time to get done. All my badgering and cajoling you and your parents, but I think it is something special. I had tears welling in my eyes after seeing it for the first time and it was not with laughter (Apart from James Bond and Blackbeard the Pirate).
I have always said, perhaps to myself, how proud of all of Blues I am. The effort and commitment you give to this demanding sport at whatever level you are at is awesome, but this beats it by far. I know for some of you it has taken you out of your comfort zone but well done. Perhaps we should do a parents song, if you look closely one managed to get herself in the Video, well done Molli’s Mum.
One thing you will be pleased about is I, unfortunately, do not sing on this, I thought I had a chance on Monday but it was cruelly take away from me, one of those things and I’m not bitter about it.
This could not have happened without the help of Dan and Angie Taylor who edited it all together, again I am in your debt.
Please enjoy it, just a bit of fun.
See you soon hopefully
Finally, it’s over. Three weekends, 6 Sessions. Final Medal tally is 16 GOLD, 16 SILVER & 18 BRONZE. We competed in 101 Finals/Top 8 placings and again many PB’s and Regional qualification times were achieved. We had 27 Swimmers in Finals and Top 8, also 13 Individual Swimmers taking Medals. In addition to this 1 Gold
2 Bronze Medals in Relays and a series of near-misses by sometimes 100th’s of a second. (A recording of the 15/16 Girls Gold Medal-winning race is on the Hoylake Website, please take a look at the domination the young ladies inflicted on the opposition) Overall a very satisfying Cheshire County Championships 2020 for Hoylake. Being the best Peninsular Club at Cheshires is not important!!, it’s the consistency of all our swimmers in all events. Hoylake and certainly I, have always recognised the Squad system and the benefits it brings to the club, and this event and Lancashires should, and now hopefully will be the domain of Club. We all come together and swim together, a joint venture. As a consequence, that is why we finished 4th in the Hugh Laughland Age Group Aggregate Trophy (16 years and under) behind Stockport Metro, Warriors and Winsford and 6th in the Wallace Aggregate Trophy (Senior and Junior Events). Every swimmer that swam contributed to those results, Gold Medallists, 8th Place Finalists, we are a team.
Tash McDonnell (14) BRONZE 400mIM, 4th 200m Butterfly, 6th 400m Freestyle, 4th 200m Freestyle
SILVER 800m Freestyle
Lehna Davies (15) 7th 400m IM, 5th 200m IM, 8th 100m Backstroke, 8th 200m Backstroke,5th 100m Breaststroke 4th 200m Breaststroke
Millie Gidman (16) SILVER 400mIM, GOLD 50m Freestyle, BRONZE 200m Butterfly, GOLD 100m Freestyle, SILVER 200m IM, GOLD 100m Butterfly, GOLD 200m Freestyle
Emily Bernhem (16) BRONZE 400mIM, BRONZE 50m Freestyle, 4th 200m Butterfly, BRONZE 100m Freestyle
6TH 200m IM, BRONZE 100m Backstroke, BRONZE 400m Freestyle, SILVER 100m IM, SILVER 50m Butterfly BRONZE 100m Butterfly, BRONZE 200m Backstroke, 4th 50m Backstroke, BRONZE 200m Freestyle Christopher Jamieson (11) 4th 100m Freestyle,6TH 200m Freestyle, 5th 100m Butterfly, BRONZE 50m Freestyle, GOLD 200m Butterfly, BRONZE 200m Breaststroke
Lucas Horton (15) GOLD 100m Freestyle, SILVER 100m IM, GOLD 100m Butterfly, 6th 200m IM,
GOLD 50m Butterfly
Abbie Roscoe (11) SILVER 50m Freestyle, SILVER 100m Freestyle, GOLD 200m IM, BRONZE 400m Freestyle, GOLD 100m IM, GOLD 50m Breaststroke, SILVER 50m Butterfly, GOLD 100m Butterfly, 6th 200m Backstroke, SILVER 200m Freestyle, GOLD 100m Breaststroke, SILVER 200m Breaststroke.
Emily Brown (16) SILVER 50m Freestyle, 4th 100m Freestyle
Anna Underwood (17+) 8TH 50m Freestyle, GOLD 200m Butterfly, 6th 100m Freestyle,6TH 200m IM, SILVER 100mIM 4th 50m Butterfly, BRONZE 100m Butterfly, 6th 50m Backstroke, 7th 200m Freestyle
Harvey Dean (16) 7TH 200m Freestyle,7th 50m Backstroke,
Lee Harrison (16) 8th 200m Freestyle,7th 400m Freestyle, 4th 800m Freestyle.
Ilona Thomas Jenkins (14) 8th 200m Butterfly
Drew Woodward-Booth (12) 4th 100m Butterfly, 5th 50m Butterly,
Amelia Dodd (16) 5th 100m Freestyle
Thea Stewart (14) SILVER 200m IM, 5th 100m Backstroke, GOLD 400m Freestyle, SILVER 100m IM
Abigail Beech (16) 8th 200m IM, BRONZE 50m Breaststroke, BRONZE 100m Breaststroke
BRONZE 200m Breaststroke
Lily Horton (12) 7th 100m Backstroke, 6th 50m Breaststroke, 6th 100m Breaststroke, 5th 200m Breaststroke Lucy Benton (16) 6th 100m Backstroke,4th 200m Backstroke, 7th 50m Backstroke
Helen Booth (14) 8th 50m Breaststroke, 8th 100m Breaststroke,
Freya King-Mackinnon (15) 8th 50m Breaststroke,
Gia Hothersall (14) GOLD 1500m Freestyle
Megan Pendleton (14) SILVER 1500m Freestyle
Emily Brown (16) BRONZE 50m Butterfly, 5th 200m Freestyle
Jasmine Rostron (14) 5th 50m Backstroke
Regan Young (12) 6th 50m Breaststroke, 8th 200m Breaststroke
Niamh King-Mackinnon (17+) 5th 200m Breaststroke.
Dior Beavan (11) 4th 50m Butterfly
15-16 Girls Freestyle Relay GOLD Millie Gidman, Emily Bernhem, Emily Brown, Amelia Dodd
15-16 Girls Medley Relay BRONZE Millie Gidman, Abigail Beech, Emily Bernhem, Emily Brown
10-12 Boys Freestyle Relay BRONZE Drew Woodward-Booth, Christopher Jamieson, Reagan Young, Will Reynolds.
Cheshire Bagcats
Abbie Roscoe Winner 10/11 Years Girls
Thea Stewart 2nd 14 Years Girls
Millie Gidman 2nd 16 Years Girls
The club’s improvement from last year is phenomenal. This is my 5th County Championships on poolside with the club, and I truly believe this group of swimmers is the best I’ve seen in that time and definitely the best group since 2011 at Hoylake and some more are at Lancashires, they would make us even stronger hopefully next year!!!. As mentioned earlier Cheshire County has 2 group awards here are our positions:
Wallace Aggregate Trophy (Senior and Junior Events)
1. Stockport Metro 901 2. Warriors *** 371 3. Winsford 241 4. Altrincham 196 5. Halton 149 6. Hoylake 140 Last Year 45 7. Trafford Metro 139 8. Satellites of Macclesfield 127 9. Crewe Flyers 109 10. Bebington 108 11. City of Chester 107 12. Dane Valley 92 13 Nantwich Seals 66 14. Knutsford Vikings 58 15. Northwich Centurions 27 16. Marple 17 17. Alsager 5 18. Romiley Marina
Hugh Laughland Age Group Aggregate Trophy (16 years and under) 1. Stockport Metro 2123.5 2. Warrington Warriors 1430 3. Winsford 941 4. Hoylake 547 Last Year 297.5 5. Satellites of Macclesfield *** 435 6. Halton 390.5 7. Altrincham 346 8. Bebington 345.5 9. Trafford Metro 317.5 10. Knutsford Vikings 238 11. Crewe Flyers 229 12. City of Chester 172.5 13. Nantwich Seals 161 14. Dane Valley 108 15. Northwich Centurions 89 16. Alsager 66 17. ASKA 60 17. Romiley Marina 60 19. Wilmslow 27 20. Sandbach Sharks 21 21. Ellesmere Port 3 22. Hazel Grove & Bramhall
People to thank, Parents, Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles and Share Lifts which I’m sure there were a few. If it wasn’t for all of you, our swimmers wouldn’t have achieved what they achieved. All our officials, I believe as a Club over the Weekends we had had most. If it wasn’t for you Guys and Gals these Galas would not run. Poolside helpers unsung but again Cheshire County couldn’t operate without you. Thank you to all of you
Team Managers, Laura, Joy and Dawn. Sam who helped on Relay afternoon. Harry who was with me on poolside for all individual sessions. Thank you all, it made my life so much easier. It is a lot of Thank-yous
Finally, the swimmers, thank you so much. Having fun is part of Cheshire’s, but equally knuckling down to some quality swimming is another. We are not robots who can turn it on every time we swim, but the effort and determination shown by you all were satisfying to see, some swims were breathtaking. Transferring skills from the training pool to the competition pool is what all coaches want to see, and certainly, that was in abundance. One more thing to mention, behaviour. I am so proud of you all, you are all a credit to your parents, not one issue over 3 weekends. Good manners and behaviour never go out of fashion. Hoylake salutes you all.
So, other Counties over, some of us looking forward to Regionals and Nationals. For everyone else let’s look to getting County Times early this year. We had 60 qualifiers this year, and 50 individuals entered, next year lets go bigger again and try and upset the top 3, big task, but if you don’t have targets! So many galas coming up especially for Blues over the next 10 months, other Groups see your coach find out which meets they are targeting.
See you at the pool
15 – 16 Year Old Freestyle Relay!
Wirral Metro Spring 2020 Development Meet
Hello everybody please see below links to Wirral Metros spring 2020 development meet.
Hoylake Team Promoted in 2019 Arena League!
The final club event of 2019, Division One, Arena League Final. Once again Hoylake SC fired up the coach and travelled up the M6 to race in Kendal. We all knew this was going to be difficult, we were up against some strong teams with some exceptional individual athletes, but did we back away from the challenge? That’s not the Hoylake way.
As I said last time, to mention any one swimmer would be totally unjust. We are all part of the Hoylake Team and family. Everyone swam fantastically well, I mentioned before the Gala started to the swimmers, swim your best that’s all I can ask for, and that’s what I got. 50 events were every swimmer gave 110%.
As pointed out last time this squad of swimmers we have at the moment is the best I’ve seen for many years. To get everyone to Cheshires would be a dream, relays would be awesome but never mind I can but dream, but to be involved with this group of athletes is an honour for me you make me feel so proud.
Many thanks to all our judges: Angie Taylor and Shane Gidman, to Elaine Armstrong and Paula Corley, for being outstanding on poolside, ensuring all swimmers needs were catered for. We do have the best poolside team, there is no doubt about that at all.
To our amazing supporters on the balcony I know Kendal is not around the corner and we lose most of a day, but it was wonderful to see so many of you up there. It really does give us all a tremendous boost, so thank you again, as always for all your support.
The final word as always goes to all our swimmers, not just the swimmers who raced tonight but to each and every swimmer who trains and races for our fantastic club, we are blessed with so many talented athletes. Well done to you all.
A great night of racing and a superb result for Hoylake, finishing Third was probably a true reflection, with a couple of tight finishes going our way perhaps second. So, let’s get ready for Blackpool or Macclesfield
because we have been PROMOTED.
Well Done to everyone, an outstanding team effort.
So, that’s it. Christmas is upon us again. Last event Novelty Gala 22nd December, I hope you are all
See you at the pool. Thanks

Wirral Metro Christmas Meet 2019 Results
Please see below link to the full results for the Wirral Metro Christmas 2019 Meet.
2019 Peninsula Championships Overview
Hello everyone,
Just a little note to keep you informed about our exploits at the final weekend at the Peninsular Galas. We had 174 individual swims which produced 125 PB’s (over 66%). Our medal haul was 54 Gold, 31 Silver and 25 Bronze. We had representation from Blues down to our Silver Group and everyone performed with great authority.
I’m sure for some of our younger swimmers it was quite nervous, but from my position, they swam as if they were seasoned swimmers so well done to you all. The objective at these galas for the younger swimmers is to get race experience and also try to transfer all the work from a training environment to race conditions. It’s a shame everyone didn’t see them try to or accomplish those objectives.
These galas and also the Wirral Metro Meet next weekend fall perfectly towards the end of the qualifying window for County Championships, I would like to congratulate the following swimmers on achieving the standard, and therefore able to compete at the competitions in January 2020.
Lucas Horton 400IM, Ilona Thomas-Jenkins 400IM & 200IM, Issy Cundall 400IM, Christopher Jamieson 100m Breaststroke, Millie McKeown 50m & 200m Breaststroke, Tay Wade 200IM, Emily French 200IM & 200m Breaststroke, Izzy Taylor 200IM, Marcus Thornton 50m Freestyle, Drew Woodward-Booth 100m Butterfly, Tash McDonnell 100 Freestyle, Emma Bayley 100m Freestyle, Orla Smout 200m Breaststroke.
If I have missed any I apologise.
We are now up to nearly 60 swimmers with qualifying times for Cheshire and Lancashire County Championships, which is the largest contingent of athletes we have had for many years. Hopefully next weekend we will get a few more qualifiers.
I would like to thank everyone who competed this weekend, we had many swimmers who are within touching distance of qualifying for Counties and many of these athletes are competing next weekend at the Wirral Metro meet, hopefully, the outcome will be positive.
I would like to thank Natalie and Sam who also gave up their time this weekend, we all have busy lives but it is great to see the swimmers you coach perform at so well at galas.