Safeguarding at HASC

As a Swim England affiliated swimming club, we have adopted Swim England’s child safeguarding policies and procedures publication, ‘Wavepower’. This is intended for anyone involved in swimming club activities and offers practical guidance and information on mandatory requirements and good practice.  

Click the link to view the ‘Wavepower’ policy in full.

The aim of Wavepower is to safeguard all children in line with current legislation, regulations and guidance and is for use within any Swim England affiliated organisation where children are present.’

Who can report a child safeguarding concern?

Anyone can report a safeguarding concern, e.g. coaches, children, parents, young volunteers.

‘Wavepower consistently emphasises that the responsibility for child safeguarding in our sport belongs with all those involved in our sports and is not the sole responsibility of any one person at local, county or national level.’

How can I raise a child safeguarding concern?

If you have any safeguarding issues or concerns please report these to our Club Welfare Officer,

Amy Thompson at:

All concerns will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Complete an incident/concern form below and return to the Welfare Officer within 7 days.

Alternatively, email the Welfare Officer directly.

Additional Contacts

  • Allan Freeman, Regional Welfare Officer, Swim North West:
  • Joanne Garey, National Safeguarding Officer: (01509 640 252)

  • Jenni Dearman, National Child Safeguarding Manager: 01509 640 274
  • Keith Oddy, Independent Child Protection officer: 07985 505549

  • ‘Swimline’ (the Swim England/NSPCC Child Protection Helpline): 0808 100 4001