Please note – From 20th July 2024, we are moving into our summer timetable and as such, training times may be slightly different for some of you during this time. The compressed schedule is in recognition of the reduced numbers swimming whilst swimmers/families and coaches are taking a break & going on holiday.
Bronze/Silver families – you will have received an email with specific information regarding the training changes, including details of the first night of the Thursday swim – please refer to this. I have reattached the summary page for your reference.
For all other groups – the summer training schedule will operate from Saturday 20th July (inc) until Sunday 1st September (inc). During this summer timetable, the training times are as below. A known exception to this will be the cancellation of masters on August Bank Holiday Monday as the pool will be closed.
Please take particular care to ensure that this information is shared with swimmers and any possible carers during this time to avoid any confusion and potential safety / safeguarding issues.
If you have yet to sign up to Spond – please can you ensure you have completed this prior to the break. I have sent numerous communications regarding this but note that we have dozens of members to action the email. From September, anyone not signed up to Spond will miss some communications as we will not be routinely sending emails but rather will be doing some by Spond only. During the summer period, the admin team will be somewhat reduced – and spond messaging by the coaches may be the only way of getting urgent essential information to you.
If you have signed up to Spond – be sure to check the app, and accept my invite into the various colour groups. Notifications should be turned on. Any issues – I will be around for the next week or so to assist so please contact me by return to resolve.